It is the day before D-day and we are READY! Constantly analyzing every pain, cramp, contraction, wondering..."is this it?" My doctor's appt last friday didn't go as well as I had hoped, I had still made no progress as far as showing signs of getting ready for labor, no dialation, no fun. I had planned on stopping work last friday, but figured I'd go crazy sitting at home just waiting when I was pretty sure I had some time to go still. So here I am, STILL at work, wondering if he will ever decide to leave the temporary home I've made for him and enter the real world. Good thing is that I lasted until my parents got to Chicago. They flew in on Saturday and have now joined us in the waiting game!
So that's the plan now...wait. I've been pretty uncomfortable lately with back pain, headaches, overall moodiness and a ridiculous amount of Braxton Hicks contractions (enough "practice" already). I have another appointment on Thursday and I pray that at that point, we've made some progress, anything...a cm....1/2 a cm...anything!!!