OK. So the baby isn't here yet. But its not too late for me to make my FIRST post to the "Team" Gustafson Blog. Many of you don't know this, but my presence on this site has been forbidden up until this point, but NO MORE! I've broken through, and I'm here to speak my mind and let all you web-o-philes know every stinking little thought that the new pappa gus's brain has.
First things first. Hello. Welcome to my blog (our blog). Thank you much for coming by. I hope that you're comfortable. Marina has done most of the decorating so far, but I plan on making a few "guy-friendly" improvements. Maybe some risque links, extensive sports coverage, spirits & lager write-ups, stuff like that. This is a blog for the people dang it!!! Lets gets this party started . . . .
The Dad has arrived.