Tuesday, May 20, 2008

By The Way

Marina may have neglected to inform you that she'll be bearing the fruit of my loom. Well needless to say, she's terribly excited. I excuse myself from excitement as it is more important for me to be the steady hand that steers the ship. Yes, there is a baby on the way and I think the US postal service has a better chance of being on time. Marina seems to think he's been doing chin-ups with her falopian tubes. He's getting all beefed up for his big day, and he knows that he needs to look his best for all the googling, dawdling friends and relatives. I say good thinking little G. Just like dadda did. I came out a very beefy 9lbs 9oz. Enjoy that one Marina, jumbo fetuses run in the Gustafson family! Get ready for the biggest baby at Northwestern Memorial Hospital. When our little fella thinks that its time to come out of the dressing room, he'll arrive just when he's supposed to, and only he knows when that is exactly.

Be excited. b-e excited! Be EXCITED! B-E EXCITED!!!