Saturday, June 28, 2008

Puppy Love

We are happy to report that the dogs have been adapted to our new family member quite well. Rudy as you all know, is super laid back and has always been very good with kids, so we had no worries he would be fine. He usually just goes up to Hendrix, takes a quick sniff and a look and then goes on with his laying around the house. Tilly on the other hand is quite a fire cracker and we had our doubts, but she's pulled through for us! She is a lot more excited when Hendrix is around and in the beginning just wanted to play with him, but a little too much. She's now learned to be gentle around him and just likes sitting next to him. Either because she likes him or she just wants to share the attention...either way, we are glad they are all getting along!

Wednesday, June 18, 2008

He's getting so big already!

Corey came home from work today and said "Oh my god, he's so big today!" I agreed, I feel like he sprouted overnight! I can't believe our little newborn is going to be 4 weeks old tomorrow!!! Time is already flying.

1 week old

Today...What a difference

Montrose Harbor

Saturday we took Tilly & Rudy to the dog beach at Montrose Beach and then went for a long walk through the park and the pier. It was such a beautiful weekend in the city and the park was packed with all the city folk enjoying the summer! These are the moments when I fall in love with the city again! I Love Chicago!!!

Our little girl

Our 1st born

"Phew...what a long day!"

Happy Father's Day!

Happy Father's Day to all those Dadas out there. We had a great day celebrating Corey's 1st Father's Day! We packed up the car and headed down to the South side to Washington Park for a picnic. It was a beautiful day and he had a nice relaxing time grilling , eating and just chillin! Here's a few pics of the day.

Starting the grill. We didn't have lighter fluid but Corey was able to finally get it started with only one match left.

Hendrix slept most of the time

I had my first beer since getting pregnant! As planned, it was a Blue Moon and it was WONDERFUL! I didn't get to finish it cuz I spilled half of it on our blanket :-(

The new Daddy opening his presents


The proud Papa


Saturday, June 14, 2008

Our Baby is Cuter Than Yours

Sorry, but its true.  I've went through my all my pictures and have come to this final determination.  If you can come up with a better picture than my baby boy passing gas, you let me know.

Friday, June 13, 2008


Tim Russert, the NBC News Washington Bureau Chief, is dead at 58. He was one of the great journalists of our time, and a personal favorite of mine. I ritually watched Meet the Press every Sunday to hear how Tim would break down the news. I think what I liked about him was how much he obviously loved his job. Politics is a dirty, nasty business that usually seems more about tearing the other guy down than doing the nation's work. To be involved in that type of business seems to cast a dower appearance on the face of most of the talking heads. But Tim was always smiling, always excited to talk about politics and what was happening. You can't manufacture the type of enthusiasm that he had for reporting and journalism and I always knew that I was watching the genuine article when he was on air. He was someone that I could trust to get the news, as objective as can reasonably be allowed, and not an on-air opinion piece. In an era of Bill O'Reillys and Keith Olbermans, he was a beacon, and I certainly think that we've all lost something. Whether you may realize it or not.

Wednesday, June 11, 2008


OK, We're three weeks in and everyone is alive, nipples attached and all!!  Here's a quick summary of some of the things we've been up to over the past couple of weeks.  Its generally staring at a baby who may or may not be awake and screaming.  But, we're having fun anyhow.  Who said parenthood was tough? Ha! We got it!

Monday, June 2, 2008

Momma's here!

Hi, I'm back and ready for my first post-pardum post. Corey has taken over the blog in full force, but I figured I'd drop in and say Hi...although, Corey is much more entertaining than me!

Things are going great at home and the new Mommy and Daddy are getting used to their new roles. Hendrix is just a wonderful little guy and really hasn't given us any hard times other than normal newborn behavior. He's very alert and we love just staring at him. I've been learning the ropes of night time feeding which isn't always a blast but I'm getting very good at taking naps. I'm very jealous of Corey that he can't produce breast milk...God should have rethought that one...there's no reason why a man shouldn't be able to help feed his child!

Hendrix has a doctor's appointment this afternoon and I'm anxious to take my list of questions to his pediatrician and to see how his weight gain is going. At his last appointment he was 6lbs 15oz and 19", yes he shrunk! I guess that's common for newborns cuz they have those cone heads when they come out! Who would have known...add that to the many crazy things we are learning lately!!!