What we've been up to since my last post.
My father (Poopie as some of you may know him by) came in town to help us rehab our bathroom. What was supposed to be a week long job, turned into a "gut to the studs" job and we ended up having to extend my Dad's trip to finish the project. In addition to the mess, stress and aching backs, Poopie ended off the project with pneumonia, not good! But he's all better now and happy to be back in Arizona I'm sure :-) AND, our bathroom is bad ass!!!
We took a vacation to Puerto Rico, it was our first family trip and it was wonderful. Hendrix wasn't in the best mood during the vacation, but he was a little under the weather. We asked a lot of our little fella and he definitely came through for us, even though it might have been in a very whiny way, we think he took to all the changes and weird stuff that was going on like a champ! I was so happy that I was able to take Corey and Hendrix for their first trip to my home country and take them both to meet my family in Puerto Rico for the first time. It really does feel like home when I'm there, even though it's very unfamiliar to me, it just feels right!
Right before our vacation, Momma got a nice promotion to Manager at work and has since been trying to live up to the new expectations. It's a wonderful opportunity at a place I enjoy working at, so I can't complain even though it is work!
This past weekend Hendrix turned 10 months old! And the day after, he finally decided that it might be fun to crawl forward instead of only going backwards! He did his first forward crawls on hands and knees, but since then he's pretty much stuck to the army crawl, although today he did do some more hands and knees crawling. We are very happy for him, he was starting to get a little frustrated when he wanted to get something that was out of his reach! He's definitely a standing fool as well and prefers to be standing at all times! Lisa was so kind to lend us a learning table and that has been a BIG hit. He's also been eating a lot more "table" food and is weaning off baby food. We've also given up 1 bottle, now only 5 more to go!
I'm also happy to announce that our friends Geoff & Brooke Edlund welcomed their new baby girl Mercer into the world! She is adorable as expected and I'm am soooooo excited for them! Check our their blog for some info (there link is somewhere on this page!)
Well, that's been about it for the last month or so. We are now gearing up for some warm weather here and are SO ready for the summer to come... so until next time, here are some pix (in random order!)

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