Here are some pictures that should bring you up to speed on what's been going on with our little man for the last 2 1/2 months!
Looking out the window checking out the neighborhood...
"I hate tummy time MOM!"
Hendrix's first try in the Exersaucer. I tried putting some books under his feet because he was still a little too short, but he just kicked them over. Since then, he has mastered the exersaucer, or as we call it.. Baby Command Center
Hendrix's first bite of solid food, some yummy runny rice cereal! He took his first bite from a Tiffany's silver spoon!
It was a little confusing for him!
Hanging out with Daddy on a Friday
Standing up on his own (just long enough to take the picture!) But he does have some strong legs
At a recent trip to Costco, I started making faces and sticking out my tongue at Hendrix... well, he decided to copy me! Here he was in the middle of Costco, sticking his tongue out at us!
This was my attempt at a photo shoot... Becky I need your help!!!
5 Months old!!! Look how big our boy is getting!
Master of Baby Command Center
I think someone is getting a little too big for the bouncer...this is how he likes sitting in it these days.
Playing on the stairs with Daddy
chillin' in the Bumbo
We got Hendrix a jumper that hangs in the door frame... I was soo nervous to put him in this contraption, but he LOVES it and just bounces and bounces and bounces!