As you might have noticed, Corey and I are rapidly approaching the end of this wonderful journey called pregnancy. I actually have been feeling very good, probably the best of the entire pregnancy. I have a lot of energy for most of the day, am still pretty mobile, am getting good sleep and I think I'm hanging in quite well emotionally. I'm mostly very giggly and silly and have been pretty optimistic...but who knows when all that will come crashing down and I start screaming "Get this BABY OUT!!!"
I'm now also in full "nesting" mode and am making my way through the entire house analyzing every inch to see what we can get rid of, what I can re-organize and what I can sell on Craig's List. Corey has had to make lots of trips to the dumpster and our storage unit which is reaching (or may have already reached) max capacity. But, we are making progress, and with just a few more items left on the list, we are pretty much ready for baby!
We attended our birthing class this past Saturday at the hospital called "Great Expectations". It was way more informative than I had expected and I'm very glad Corey was there to remember all the details cuz it was way too much for me to take in all at once. It was also very comforting for me, I ended the day of learning feeling confident that Corey and I will get through all this craziness just fine and we might even do a good job at it!!!
Here's a few pictures of the baby's room (still in progress) but almost there!

The animals are trying to hide the printer which has no other place to go, that's what you get with a condo in the city.

Puffy Preggers at 35 weeks!

Flash back to the good ole' days at 9 weeks