Corey in his Liderhosen he got in Germany at the real Oktoberfest Make a wish!!! Opening Gifts We had German Cuisuine: Brats, German Potato Salad & Bravarian Pretzels It's my party and I'll pass out if I want to...
Ok, these pictures are long overdue, but I've had such a hard time deciding which ones to post and I had to steal some from friends cuz it's hard to take pictures when your in the wedding party.
Carol & Ted got married on September 22nd at the Armour House at Lake Forest Academy. It was and absolutely beautiful day and the Bride of course was stunning! Carol definitely pulled off an amazing wedding and I was honored to have been her Matron of Honor. Now that it's all said and done, I'm sure Ted is relieved and we wish them the best as they begin their lives as Mr & Mrs Johnson!
Corey and I were down on Clark St Friday night watching the games and having dinner when the Cubbies won and the Brewers lost to make the Cubs the Central Division Champs! We were out on the street the moment they clinched and it was great. The cops had shut down Addison & Clark st and they filled up with all the fans cheering. The sign on Wrigley instantly read "Chicago Cubs 2007 National League Central Division Champions!" So we stood out in front of Wrigley with Johnny Woo Woo and the rest of the fans for a bit and joined in on the celebration, we think Corey ended up on WGN. Now they have to get ready to play the Arizona D-backs...that'll be a fun one for me to watch, I admit I was a D-backs fan when I was in AZ, but my heart was always in Chicago...(can you tell I'm a fair weather fan when it comes to Baseball!)
I didn't have my Camera but here is a pic I took with my cell phone! Didn't turn out so great.